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March 25, 2020

CT reopens golf courses with limitations to curb COVID-19 outbreak

Photo | Contributed An overhead shot of Manchester Country Club.

The state of Connecticut is lifting its golf-course ban amid pleas from golfers and the industry that clubs should remain open during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Connecticut State Golf Association (CSGA) in a letter to members Wednesday said the state Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is allowing golf courses to re-open, but the decision comes with a few caveats.

According to CSGA, all clubhouses should remain closed, golf carts are being limited to one person and golfers are being urged to walk if possible. Restaurants are also closed or limited to take-out service only. Flagsticks and holes have also been raised to prevent players from touching cups.

Clubhouse closures mean golfers will need to pay for their rounds by phone or online, officials say.

Meantime, CSGA is also urging golfers to maintain a social distance of at least six feet at all times in parking, practice and playing areas.

Other CSGA recommendations include:

  • No caddies or bag handlers (players handle their own equipment)
  • No distribution of scorecards or writing utensils 
  • Sanitation of golf carts after use
  • Players should not touch stakes marking penalty areas
  • Starting time intervals should be a minimum of 10 minutes apart.

“With this announcement from DECD, golf can be played, and played safely in Connecticut during the COVID-19 pandemic,” CSGA said. “But only if everyone follows these guidelines at all times - especially maintaining strict adherence to social distancing.

The state’s decision is good news for Connecticut’s $638 million golf industry, which has been battling difficult conditions due to changing golfer habits.

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March 27, 2020

If caddies use Surgical gloves and mask I don’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to participate.

March 26, 2020

Another genius that has it all figured out. Frankly, I played with the new restrictions yesterday (which make sense given what is going on), and it was fun to change things up a bit with the cup liners raised out of the green. It got me to putt more aggressively, which may end up helping my game in the long run.

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