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March 21, 2023 REAL ESTATE

Milford plaza redevelopment plan approved

PHOTO | CONTRIBUTED A sketch of a residential building proposed for 589 Bridgeport Ave., Milford.

A local developer is planning a mixed-use revamp of a plaza along Bridgeport Avenue in Milford to include several multi-family buildings and 192 apartments.

The Milford Planning and Zoning Commission in early March approved applicant and owner Casey Associates Limited Partnership of Milford’s proposed regulation change and special permit with site plan review.

The subdivision plan includes splitting 20 acres at 589 Bridgeport Ave. into two parcels.

One lot has two buildings, a fast-food restaurant and pharmacy, which would stay relatively unchanged.

The other parcel, which also has two buildings, would see a more drastic redevelopment.

Plans include partially demolishing part of a smaller building to build a new restaurant. The larger building on that site would be demolished, and six, three-story, multi-family apartment buildings along with a clubhouse, pool and other amenities will be constructed there.

The regulation change application will change the maximum units per acre from 17 to 18, and reduce the minimum amount of land required for multifamily residential buildings from 12 acres to 10 acres.

The retail parcel will have more than 500 parking spaces with 51 electric vehicle charging stations. The residential site will have 357 spaces, with 36 of them for electric vehicles.

The property, co-owned by Brooklyn, N.Y.-based Madison Properties, has a total appraised value of $8.7 million.

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