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May 26, 2021

Milford retailer enters partnership with entertainment venue


FCP Euro, a Milford-based European car parts online retailer, will become the official auto parts supplier for Lime Rock Park’s 400-acre motorsports park and entertainment campus in Lakeville. 

The two companies have entered into a 10-year partnership, which company leaders hope will increase brand awareness and customer reach. 

FCP Euro Proving Grounds, a recently expanded and repaved autocross and skid-pad facility, will open immediately after Memorial Day weekend and is the first of several upgrades planned for the Litchfield County park. 

The 10-year agreement is the first strategic initiative announced by Lime Rock Park's new ownership group, which is led by Charles Mallory, Dicky Riegel and Bill Rueckert, along with private investors. The group recently took over Lime Rock Park from longtime owner Skip Barber, who will continue working with the company as an investor.

The historic automotive and entertainment venue, which opened in 1957, also plans to unveil a new FCP Euro experience and hospitality center adjacent to the Proving Grounds in 2022. According to the company, it will offer a redesign of Lime Rock Park's infield autocross course and skidpad facility, providing car enthusiasts a chance to drive in a controlled environment, while also getting them ready for the bigger racing track.  

"All of us at Lime Rock Park are thrilled to announce this partnership with this world-class, Connecticut-based company," said CEO Dicky Riegel, in a press release. "Lime Rock Park will become a home away from home for FCP Euro for years to come, and we are delighted to welcome their brand partners and customers to the park."

Nick Bauer, FCP Euro's president and founder, looks forward to continued growth from this strategic partnership.

"To say that I am excited about this partnership is an understatement," Bauer said. "Every enthusiast within our company has their own cherished memory of their first Lime Rock Park experience, and thanks to Skip Barber's long-term ownership and curation, the track has a preserved culture and environment unlike any other." 

Established in 1986 as a family-owned brick-and-mortar auto parts store, FCP Euro grew to surpass $100 million in revenues for 2020 and is on pace for $500 million in revenues by 2025, according to the company.  It has participated in motorsports since 2016, winning the TC America TCR Championship in 2019.

Contact Joanna Smiley at

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