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July 14, 2020

CBIA campaign aims to shape COVID-19 recovery messaging

Image | CBIA

Connecticut’s largest business lobby has launched its latest marketing campaign, seeking to influence public opinion over the coming months and heading into what promises to be a difficult 2021 state budget session.

The Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA)’s “Rebuilding Connecticut” campaign released its first spot on Tuesday -- a 30-second video highlighting healthcare workers and examples of companies assisting during the pandemic.

The group said the key theme will be “restoring our economy in full and making it more vibrant and robust than it was pre-pandemic.”

Joe Brennan is retiring as CBIA's president and CEO.

"We have an historic challenge ahead of us, one that can only be addressed successfully if we dramatically reshape the relationship between job creators and government,” outgoing CBIA CEO Joseph Brennan, who has temporarily postponed his retirement plans due to the pandemic, said in a statement. 

"We need a new way of thinking, a collaborative approach that focuses on promoting and driving private sector growth.

When they convene in early January, state lawmakers could be facing a $4 billion budget deficit for the fiscal year 2022-2023 period due to COVID-19’s impact on tax revenues, financial analysts estimated recently.

CBIA declined to disclose the expected cost of its new campaign, which will run across digital, social and traditional platforms through the rest of 2020 and into the legislative session.

"We know this won’t be easy, but we’ve been through tough times before, and the people of Connecticut want to see all stakeholders work together to make it happen,” Brennan said.

CBIA also launched a summer marketing campaign ahead of the 2019 legislative session. That campaign, titled “Fix Connecticut,” was expected to cost approximately $600,000.

In 2014, the year before Brennan became CEO, CBIA launched a campaign called “CT20X17,” which aimed to elevate Connecticut’s position in major state business rankings.

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